New Teams
Any questions about joining ProLeague as team?Heads of ProLeague
League ONE: L3G3nD84 / Origin-ID: H2-L3G3nD84League TWO: Paddy / Origin-ID: NYCE-Paddy
League THREE: Olli / Origin-ID: H2-Olli82
League INT. 1: goalseeker68 / Origin-ID: WAR-goalseeker68
League INT. 2: Germantinian / Origin-ID: Germantinian
League INT. 3: Triveono / Origin-ID: Trivv4_
League INT. 4: BilboSR / Origin-ID: StereoBomb2210
League INT. 5: / Origin-ID:
Ekstraklasa: BibsonSK / Origin-ID: LDZ-Bibson
Romanian League: snkedy-yt / Origin-ID: LYT-snkedy7
Turkiye Pro Ligi: camper_GER1 / Origin-ID: H2-Camper
Serie A: Vinsanity087 / Origin-ID: Vinsanity087
Serie B: Vinsanity087 / Origin-ID: Vinsanity087
LaLiga 1: pauetbeni1997 / Origin-ID: PauetBenii1997
Premier League: john_yuki / Origin-ID: EZ-Yukii
Summer League Gruppo A: / Origin-ID:
Trofeu Edu Ferreira: / Origin-ID:
Summer League Gruppo B: / Origin-ID:
SPL Group A: goalseeker68 / Origin-ID: WAR-goalseeker68
SPL Group B: goalseeker68 / Origin-ID: WAR-goalseeker68
Interested in joining our international league?:
League International: Doelpunten / Origin-ID: DoelpuntenHeadadmin Cup, Hall of Fame, Ladder
Cup: john_yuki / Origin-ID: EZ-YukiiHall of Fame: goalseeker68 / Origin-ID: WAR-goalseeker68
Ladder: Fitzo / Origin-ID: EQ_Fitzo
Contactperson CL & EL (iFVPA & FVPA)
iFVPA: / Origin-ID:Head of editorial team:
Newspage: ProClubs.deSupport ProLeague:
Honorary members:
die Gründer der ProLeague
Gegründet wurde die Liga im September 2011 unter dem Namen FIFA Allstar League von Baka und lief zuerst in Zusammenarbeit mit einer FIFA 1on1 Transferliga.
Im September 2013 war der Ansturm und das Interesse an einer Liga dertart groß, dass sich eine eigene Pro Club Liga realisieren ließ.
Der Name fiel auf: PROLEAGUE und wurde fortan von Baka & Laika geführt. Im März 2014 verabschiedeten sich die beiden Gründer der ProLeague
aus der administrativen Arbeit der Liga und überließen von nun an einem 6 Köpfigen Team der Pro Club Community die Zukunft der Liga.
Wir Danken Baka und Laika, dass Sie solch ein tolles Projekt gestartet haben und auch den Mut hatten es in fremde Hände zu legen.
lange Zeit Ligaleiter der 2. Liga
timmortal war einer der 6 Köpfe die nach dem Abgang von Baka und Laika die Zügel der ProLeague übernommen und zukunftsweisend mitgestaltet hat.
Zu seinen Aufgaben zählte, in der einjährigen Zeit bei der ProLeague, die Betreuung der 2. Liga und später auch der Erstkontakt zur iFVPA.
timmortal verließ uns zum Ende FIFA 15 in Richtung, wir wünschen im viel Erfolg und Danken ihm für seine Zuverlässigkeit und stets souveränen Einsatz.
das Allroundtalent im Team und Außenminister zugleich
AriGold war ebenfalls einer der 6 Köpfe die nach dem Abgang von Baka und Laika Verantwortung übernommen hat um die ProLeague am Leben zu erhalten.
Nach seinem Abgang hat das Team einen Alleskönner verloren der bei einem Problem stets den kühlen Kopf behalten hat und immer eine Lösung parat hatte.
AriPedia war ebenfalls in der Entscheidungsphase der neuen Seite eingebunden in welche Richtung es gehen soll, was benötigt wird und in einige Designfragen involviert.
Zu seinen Aufgaben zählte die technische Koordination der Homepage und der Erstkontakt zur EVPA und iFVPA. AriGold danken wir für seinen großen Einsatz in und um die ProLeague herum
und wünschen alles Gute bei zukünftigen Projekten.
ProLeague Rules
Furthermore, we reserve the right to respond to incidents not listed here with sanctions!
1.1. ProLeague: The ProLeague, led by the ProLeague Administration with the support of the Player Council, offers Users / Players the opportunity to form a Team to participate in national leagues, cup competitions, and tournaments for the current EA Sports FC title.
1.2. Website & Organization: All competitions are conducted on the Platform General organization takes place on the official ProLeague Discord Server:
1.3. Procedure / Schedule: All competitions take place within seasons, which start and end independently of each other. For each EA SPORTS FC title, two seasons take place, the start and end of which are communicated in advance by the Administration. The schedule for the current season can generally be found in the following document: Schedule. This schedule is generally kept up to date. However, in case of doubt or discrepancies, the scheduling on the ProLeague website takes precedence.
1.4. Competitions: ProLeague organizes the following national and international leagues, platform-wide cup competitions, and tournaments per season:
1.4.1. ProLeague offers participation in 15 national and international leagues.
- including 9 German leagues (League GER)
- including 1 Turkish league (League TUR)
- including 2 Italian leagues (League ITA)
- including 1 Spanish league (League ESP)
- including 1 British league (League UK/IRL/FRA)
- including 1 international league (League INT)
1.4.2. As a flagship of ProLeague, each team has the opportunity to participate in the platform-wide Super Pro League (SPL).
1.4.3. In addition, each season includes a national cup and the platform-wide ProLeague Cup.
1.4.4. At regular intervals, each team can participate in the platform-wide Hall of Fame Challenges (HoF-Challenge) held on Saturdays.
1.4.5. ProLeague also organizes the competitions of the former IPCC, consisting of the international club tournaments (IPCC Champions League / IPCC Europa League) and international national team tournaments (World Cup, Euro Cup, Confed Cup, Nations League). Unlike other competitions, national team tournaments take place only once per EAFC title.
1.5. Entry Fees and Prizes: Participation in competitions organized by ProLeague is partially subject to fees. The most successful teams and players of a season receive a prize for their success, depending on the competition and the type of success. The following amounts for entry fees and prizes are per season.
1.5.1. The entry fees are based on league affiliation and the type of competition. Currently, the following entry fees are charged:
1.5.2. National League Prizes (Prize money for team successes in the national leagues)
1.5.3. Prizes Super Pro League (SPL)
Announcement via Article or Discord Announcement.
1.5.4. Prizes in the national Cup and ProLeague Cup:
1.5.5. Prizes Hall of Fame Challenge
Announcement via Article or Discord Announcement.
1.5.6. For finishing a season without Penalty Points, a prize of 10€ per team will be paid out.
1.5.7. Player Prizes (Prize money for individual player achievements)
The prize will only be paid out to players who report here at the end of the season on Discord via ticket with their ProLeague account. The deadline for this is 14 days after the end of the season. Later requests for payout will not be accepted. Generally, the player with the highest value in a player achievement category receives the prize. If at the end of a season multiple players have the same value, the prize is awarded to the player who reached this value first. In the event that multiple players equally hold the first position of a player achievement category and achieved this value simultaneously (e.g. if multiple defenders simultaneously achieve the same number of games "Without Conceding"), the prize money will be divided among the respective players.
1.5.8. The payment of the respective entry fees as well as the receipt of prizes is made via Paypal ([email protected]). For this, the Friends and Family payment option must be chosen.
1.5.9. Payment creates a binding and irrevocable registration. There will be no refunds during or at the beginning of the season.
1.5.10. If a team does not transfer the entry fee in a timely and complete manner, it may be removed from the competition.
1.5.11. To claim prizes won at the end of the season, the team must have completed all leagues in which it participated. If a team dissolves when one or more games are still open in one of the leagues it participates in, no prize will be awarded.
1.5.12. Each team has the opportunity to request an invoice.
1.6. Structure and Validity of the Rulebook
1.6.1. Structure The rulebook consists of a general part (§§1-7, §§14-20) and a special part (§§8-13). It follows a chronological logic: early paragraphs address topics before a compulsory match, later paragraphs address topics after a compulsory match.
1.6.2. General Part The general part establishes the foundation:
- Organization: ProLeague Structure (§§1-3)
- Definitions: Teams (§4), Team Managers (§5), Users/Players (§6)
- Procedures: Transfers/Licensing (§7), Scheduling (§14)
- Game Operations: Game Rules (§§15-16), Result Reporting (§17)
- Regulation: Penalty Catalog (§18), Rating System (§19), Miscellaneous (§20)
1.6.3. Special Part The special part complements or modifies the general part for specific competitions:
- Leagues: National and International Leagues (§8), SPL (§10)
- Cups: National Cups (§9), ProLeague Cup (§11)
- Tournaments: HoF (§12), IPCC Competitions (§13)
- Each paragraph in the special part follows a uniform structure:
- Competition Structure
- Participants
- Competition Process
- Competition Winners
- New Season / Ranking
- Scheduling
- Game of the Week
- Special Game Rules
- Result Reporting
- Miscellaneous
1.6.4. Scope of Application The general and respective special parts apply to:
- German Leagues (League GER)
- International Leagues (League INT)
- German Cups
- ProLeague Cup
- HoF
- IPCC Competitions
1.6.5. Special Regulations Rules for competitions in §1.4. that are not mentioned in §1.6.4. may deviate from this rulebook.
1.7. Agreement: By successfully registering, each user (player) agrees to these rules or national adaptations. It is possible to revoke a user's registration. However, this must be done in writing to the following email address: [email protected]
1.8. Gender Note: For the sake of readability, the simultaneous use of male, female, and diverse (m/w/d) forms of speech is dispensed with. All personal designations apply equally to all genders and identities.
2.1. Organization: The ProLeague consists of the areas of Technology, Game Operations, and Communication. These areas work independently but collectively for the well-being and development of the ProLeague.
2.2. Head-Admins: The ProLeague is led by Head-Admins. The Head-Admins are separately responsible for the areas of Game Operations, Technology, and Communication. In these areas, the Head-Admins are supported by additional Admins (Area Managers) and Helpers/Staff. Detailed responsibilities can be found in the organizational chart: [LINK FOLLOWS]
2.3. Administrators / Area Managers: Administrators oversee the operation of the area assigned to them (e.g., League / Cup). Depending on the area of responsibility, Admins have access to various functionalities of the admin panel. Apart from the interface for managing requested team creations and player licenses, there are options for game assessment and reset, distribution of team and player penalties, sending messages to entire user groups (all Special Members of a team and all Special Members of a league), and team management.
2.4 Helpers/Staff: Within the editorial team, Helpers/Staff are utilized for content creation. Their responsibility and scope of work are determined in consultation with the respective responsible administrators.
2.5. Staffing: Personnel decisions lie with the administration, and they advertise the respective positions. Any member of the community can apply for these positions. After assessing suitability by the administration, selection procedures (interviews) are conducted.
2.6. Principles: The ProLeague administration acts according to the principles of Proportionality, Confidentiality, and Objectivity.
2.6.1. Proportionality: The administration must act and decide in accordance with the principle of proportionality in its actions and decisions, particularly those that can be made at the discretion under this rulebook. Specifically, actions and decisions of the administration must:
- be purpose-bound based on a legitimate basis,
- be suitable for achieving the purpose,
- be the mildest of all purpose-achieving actions/decisions (Necessity),
- be appropriate in terms of proportionality of action/decision and its potential interference in the area of third parties.
2.6.2. Confidentiality: The administration is bound to confidentiality. Administration meetings are always to be handled sensitively, and content must not be disclosed to third parties. Proven breaches may, at the discretion of the administration, lead to immediate exclusion from the admin team.
2.6.3. Objectivity: The interest of the ProLeague always takes precedence over the interest of individual administrators. Administrators affected by the content of facts are to be excluded from decisions (this applies, for example, when it comes to a decision about a team or its players, for which an admin also plays).
3.1. General
3.1.1. The Player Council is an independent body of the ProLeague. It serves as a liaison / point of contact for issues between users / players and the administration.
3.1.2. The Player Council is composed of the most elected candidates (see § 3.2.).
3.1.3. Confidentiality: The Player Council, consisting of its council members, is bound to confidentiality. Contents of any meetings (both with and without administrators) are to be treated sensitively and must not be disclosed to third parties. Proven breaches may, at the discretion of the administration, lead to exclusion from the Player Council.
3.1.4. Objectivity: The Player Council acts as a liaison between the administration and the ProLeague Community and is tasked with representing the community's interests. The personal interests of a council member must not play a role in any action on behalf of the Player Council.
3.1.5. Dissolution of the Player Council: The administration can immediately dissolve the Player Council in the event of significant violations by council members against § 3.1.3. and § 3.1.4. Additionally, the mandate of the incumbent Player Council can be revoked if it grossly violates its duties. If the Player Council is dissolved, a new Player Council must be elected immediately. The dissolved Player Council cannot run for reelection for the current season.
3.2. Composition of the Player Council
3.2.1. Election of the Player Council The Player Council is newly elected in each EA SPORTS FC part. The organizational responsibility for the election of the Player Council lies with the former chair of the Player Council. Everyone has the right to apply as a candidate for the Player Council if they meet the criteria in § 3.2.2. The new Player Council must be elected no later than two weeks after the start of the season. The previous chair of the Player Council is responsible for ensuring that the prescribed deadlines for elections are adhered to. Deadline extensions can be decided in consultation with the administration. The previous Player Council loses its authority after § A handover for information security must be ensured. The election of available candidates is determined by a vote of the community. The composition according to § 3.1.2. and § 3.2.2. must be observed. The incumbent Player Council is responsible for creating the list of candidates. Suggestions can be made by the Player Council itself, as well as by all teams and players of the ProLeague Community. The list of candidates is published for all community members. Each community member has half as many votes as candidates, which must be given to the proposed candidates. In the case of an odd number of candidates, the number of votes per community member is rounded up. Bundling multiple votes for one candidate is not possible. The chair of the Player Council is responsible for publishing the election results and contacting the elected community members to accept the election. Once the candidates have accepted the election, they replace the outgoing Player Council and form the new Player Council. The parameters of the Player Council election cannot be changed by the Player Council itself. A new content can be proposed with a change request from the council chair or a deputy to the administration according to § 3.3.2.
3.2.2. Mandatory criteria for composition
- Administrators may not be represented in the Player Council.
- Multiple council members from each team represented in the ProLeague may also be represented in the Player Council.
- From teams not affiliated with any league, only one council member may be represented in the Player Council.
- Only one council member who is not part of a team may be represented in the Player Council.
- In the election of the Player Council, the candidate must receive at least 3% of all votes to qualify for the position as a council member or alternate.
- To be part of the Player Council, the account must have reached a minimum age of 6 months.
3.2.3. Exclusion criteria Council members are excluded from the count for the qualified majority according to § if they are involved in proposals/decisions concerning the council member's team or otherwise affect them. The qualified majority must be recalculated in exclusion cases according to §
3.2.4. Changes to the composition of the Player Council When a seat in the Player Council becomes vacant, a replacement must be determined based on the recorded election list. If more than one alternate is tied, the Player Council will internally decide on the next alternate. If a council member leaves their team during their term of office or joins their team, thereby violating the composition criteria according to § 3.2.2. or resigns from their office, a replacement will be determined according to § If a qualified majority (according to § decides that a council member (be it the council chair, a deputy, or a regular council member) is unable to constructively fulfill their duties as a council member, they will be removed from their office and replaced according to § Qualified Majority (§ Each council member, except the affected one, must choose one option. In the event of a tie, one of the chairs will decide. Council members who hold a functional position (chair or deputy) and leave the Player Council according to § will have their position filled anew based on the recorded election list.
3.2.5. Expansion of the alternate list The alternate list is determined anew each season. The process is described in § 3.2. An additional expansion of the alternate list will be made if only one alternate remains, but the next election is at least one month in the future. Procedure for expansion:
- The application for a position on the Player Council's alternate list is initiated by the Player Council chair according to §
- The application deadline is at the discretion of the council chair.
- After the application deadline, the election of the available candidates is determined by a vote ranking by the community. In the election for Player Council alternate, the candidate must receive at least 3% of all votes.
- After the application deadline, a democratic vote is held among the council members to determine the order of alternates.
3.3. Responsibilities of the Player Council
3.3.1. Participation in Administration Meetings: The Player Council may participate with multiple representatives in administration meetings and participate in the opinion and decision-making processes taking place there. Details regarding the possibility of participation are described in § 3.3.3. The ProLeague Administration informs the Player Council about the meetings taking place and their topics.
3.3.2. Right of Proposal: The Player Council can propose suggestions with a qualified majority in the Player Council for decision-making with a mandatory resolution at the PL Administration Meetings. The council chair or one of their deputies must inform the admin team of the proposals in a timely manner. The deadline for mandatory resolution ends on the third Monday after the proposal is submitted. All PL Admins are allowed to make a decision, as well as the Player Council itself, if provided by § 3.3.3.
3.3.3. Right of Co-determination: The Player Council has a right of co-determination in decisions of the administration, provided that there is a qualified majority in the Player Council (see § 3.3.4.). Exceptions are regulated by § 3.3.5. This right of co-determination is weighted as follows: Present administrators divided by present council members.
3.3.4. Opinion-related Survey Right: The Player Council can at any time conduct opinion-related surveys on already known and public topics to the community. Approval is only given by the Player Council chair. Approval by the platform leader is required for non-public and internal topics.
3.3.5. Qualified Majorities in the Player Council: The responsibility for the presence of qualified majorities in the Player Council lies with the Player Council chair. Upon request of the administration, they must provide the corresponding votes. If no qualified majority exists, the right of proposal according to § 3.3.2. and the right of co-determination according to § 3.3.3. are therefore forfeited.
3.3.6. Restrictions: The following exceptions are defined:
- the right to participate in administration meetings according to § 3.3.1. is waived in individual cases and at the discretion of the administration,
- the right of proposal according to § 3.3.2. and the right of co-determination according to § 3.3.3. refer to: changes to the regulations, excluding §§ 1 to 6 and general administrative matters directly related to the community,
- the right of proposal according to § 3.3.2. and the right of co-determination according to § 3.3.3. are forfeited if/when:
- one or more council members are directly affected.
- personnel decisions in the administration,
- other administrative decisions that only indirectly affect the ProLeague community.
In the existing cases, it is the responsibility of the administration to consult the Player Council for advice or assign them specific tasks.
4.1. Team: A team is a group of players who participate together in ProLeague competitions.
4.1.1. Each user has the opportunity to create a team. Team creation must be announced via the Discord ticket "Registration" and will then be released after successful examination by the administration.
4.1.2. Each team must consist of at least 7 players (depending on the competition, more players may be required).
4.2. Team Name: A team has a unique name.
4.2.1. Team Name Change: A change of the team name is only possible once per season. For this, a team manager must open the "Change Team Name" ticket in Discord and fill it out with the following information:
- the new team name,
- the short version of the name (less than ten characters) and
- the abbreviation, consisting of exactly three alphanumeric characters.
The only exception to the limitation of changing the team name is leaving an organization. In this case, the team can adopt the previous team name at any time.
4.2.2. Overorganizations: Teams of the same overorganization are not allowed to play in the same league. If a team from an organization is promoted or relegated to a league where another team of the same organization plays or to which it has promoted or relegated itself, this leads to the forced relegation of the team that was in the lower league in the previous season. An exception exists in the lowest ProLeague league: Here, two teams of the same overorganization can compete, provided that this is a consequence of relegation. This regulation is subject to review and may be decided differently by the admin team in individual cases.
4.2.3. Organization Change: If a team wants to leave an overorganization to avoid violating § 4.2.2., this must be communicated to the administration at the beginning of the season. At the same time, it is mandatory that basic information of the team (such as team logo and name) is clearly changed.
4.2.4. Distortion of Competition: Only the team playing in the higher league can participate in tournaments per overorganization. This applies to the national cup, SPL, and HoF. This rule came into effect from season 24 onwards. A team must announce leaving the overorganization at the beginning of the season to circumvent these prohibitions for the following season.
4.3. Club Teams: ProClub teams of registered clubs from Germany that have been digitally extended and simultaneously provide a team in analog football are referred to as club teams (short: "club").
4.3.1. It is generally tolerated for clubs to play in other leagues, but it is not allowed to play there under a different club name. An exception applies in this case when an esports club cooperates with a football club and the esports club is a member of the ESBD (Esports Association Germany) or one of its regional associations (ESVH, etc.).
4.3.2. A player may play exclusively for the same club in all other leagues as in the ProLeague Championship.
4.3.3. Furthermore, it is not allowed for players to play for other clubs abroad. This also applies if this club plays on a different platform (PS5, PC, XBOX, and others).
4.4. Potential Applicants (newly founded teams or teams that have not been part of the ProLeague so far) can apply for ProLeague participation a few weeks before the end of the season. There will be a separate news on the ProLeague Discord and homepage for this purpose. This news will contain all the important information for the application.
4.4.1. Possible reasons for rejecting a team registration occur if:
- the new team management partly consists of the management of a recently dissolved team,
- the new team includes more than half of the roster of a recently dissolved team, or
- more than half of the roster of the new team were in the same recently dissolved team.
- the team name or logo contains racist, offensive, or sexual elements.
- the team name is not clear / unique.
4.5. Team Page: On the team page, the entire team history in the ProLeague and additionally the status of eligibility for each squad member is visible. In addition, all penalties imposed are publicly visible.
4.6. Team Achievements: The champion of League ONE, the champion of Championship 1, and all players who played at least one game for either of the two teams in the past season receive the team achievement "Champion". The national and platform-wide cup winners and all players who played at least one game for either of the two teams in the past season receive the team achievement "Cup Winner". The team winning a HoF tournament and all included players receive the team achievement "HoF Winner". The winner of the IPCC Champions League and all players included in the squad at the time of the final who had at least one appearance receive the team achievement "CL Victory". The winner of the IPCC Euro League and all players included in the squad at the time of the final who had at least one appearance receive the team achievement "EL Victory". Any promoted teams and all players who played at least one game for the teams in the past season receive the team achievement "Promoted".
5.1. Manager Rights: Each team can have up to four team managers (Special Members, also referred to as VM) who can manage it on the ProLeague website. The roles of team captain, squad manager, scheduling coordinator, and press officer all have the same rights. Any team manager can:
- create and remove team entries on the player market and in spontaneous searches for their team,
- enter results for the team and modify match reports for home games,
- manage the team's match dates and transfer requests,
- adjust team information and team manager rights,
- remove users who are in his team and adjust the purely visual inactivity status of the players of his team.
5.2. Display Obligation of Team Managers (VM)
Each team provides at least one main and one co-team manager. At least one of these team managers must be present on the competition-related ProLeague Discord servers relevant to the team (e.g., §8.10.2. or §10.2.2.) as follows:
- Team Name | (Co-) VM Name
The maximum number of VMs on Discord is equivalent to the number of Special Members on the ProLeague page: 4
5.3. Responsibilities of a Team Manager
5.3.1. The main VM bears full responsibility for his team.
5.3.2. Each VM is obliged to regularly familiarize themselves with the rules of the ProLeague and to pass them on within their team.
5.3.3. Each VM must independently and unprompted check whether his players are eligible to play (green checkmark). This also includes checking the ID, as any deviation is equivalent to a lack of eligibility to play according to §15.2.
5.3.4. Each VM ensures smooth communication within the league. It is his responsibility to read messages from admins and pass them on to his team.
6.1. Rights of Users / Players
6.1.1. Every registered user of the ProLeague can create player entries on the player market and in the spontaneous search. They can write in the shoutbox and comment on articles and team posts. Furthermore, they can request to join existing teams. They can also edit their profile to apply for a player license.
6.1.2. Every user (player) can join a team or create a team (see § 4.1.1.). Any player who is part of a team can leave it on the team page.
6.2. (temporarily free)
6.3. Usernames: Every user (player) has a unique account name and a unique ID.
6.3.1. Username Change: Changing the account name on the ProLeague website is only possible to remove a team tag. A change is possible in exchange for a service to the community (contribution to the editorial team or similar).
6.3.2. ID Changes: ID changes can only be made from Monday to Friday (23:59 CET) of a game week. However, ID changes must be made no later than the day before the first match (for midweek matches) or by Friday (23:59 CET) of the current game week (for Sunday matches). The player affected by the change may only participate in official matches if this period is adhered to.
6.4. Active: A player is defined as "active" if they have played at least two games for the team in the previous season. Players who join the squad later than three weeks before the end of the season are not considered "active".
6.5. Player Profile: In the player profile of each player, personal achievements, personal statistics, club history, market value, and personal penalty record are visible.
6.6. Player Achievements: The top players in each league receive individual awards for their profile: Top Goal Scorer, Top Scorer, Top Assist Provider, Top Defender, Top Goalkeeper, and MVP.
7.1. Transfers: A transfer describes a player joining a team.
7.1.1. To join a team, the player must submit a team membership request on the team page of the receiving team (button "Join Team"). A Special Member of the receiving team must accept the player's membership request. The team membership request must take place within the timeframes described in §7.1.2.
7.1.2. Transfers can be made from Monday to Friday (23:59) of a game week. The team membership request must be made by the day before the first match (for midweek matches) or by Friday (23:59) of the current game week (for Sunday matches) on the ProLeague website. The player who has been transferred may only play official matches if they have obtained a valid license (see §7.2).
7.1.3. (temporarily free)
7.1.4. A player who has joined a team commits to remaining in the team until the end of a season. An exception to this is granted in the following case:
- A player may join another team outside the transfer window if they have not played any official matches for their current team for 15 consecutive days and if they have not joined more than three teams in the current season. Joining is defined as explained in §7.1.1.
7.1.5. After the end of a season, transfers are possible without restrictions until the start of the new season (season start is the Monday before the 1st official match).
7.2. Licensing: A player is eligible to play only when:
- the team has accepted the membership request of the respective player,
- the player meets the regulations of §7.1., and
- the responsible league manager has accepted the license request (green checkmark).
The respective league manager may revoke a granted eligibility in certain individual cases.
7.3. Exceptional Cases: In exceptional cases (especially endangering the existence of the respective ProClubs), a team can request exceptions from §7.1 and §7.2 from the ProLeague Administration.
7.4. Team Takeover: A group of players is not allowed to take over the spot of a team. Each case will be individually reviewed by the ProLeague Administration.
8.1. Structure of National and International Leagues:
8.1.1. League Size
The number of teams per league may vary depending on the number of new applicants and team dissolutions. Which team plays in which league is determined by §4 and §8.
8.2. Participants:
8.3. Season Process (League Operations)
8.3.1. Each team in a league plays twice against the other teams in the league (league operation) per season. Each team has one home game and one away game against every other team.
8.3.2. A match lasts for 90 minutes plus added time. There are no extra time or penalty shootouts in league matches. The winner of a match receives 3 points and the loser receives 0 points. If the match ends in a draw, both teams receive 1 point each.
8.3.3. If at the end of a season several teams have collected the same number of points, the goal difference determines the ranking. If this is also equal, the number of goals scored decides. If there is still no clarity after this, the following criteria apply in the listed order:
- Direct match,
- Playoffs until a winner is determined.
8.3.4. Drawing: The fixture list for the national league is randomly determined by the ProLeague website.
8.4. Champion: The team that, according to § 8.3.2. and § 8.3.3., achieves the highest placement in the highest league is the champion of the respective league.
8.5. Promotion and Relegation / Division Allocation for New Season:
8.6. Scheduling:
Information on which games of a competition are scheduled for which date/range can be found on the ProLeague website under the "Match Dates" tab in the team profile or the official schedule: Schedule. This schedule is generally maintained continuously. However, in case of doubt or discrepancies, the scheduling on the ProLeague website takes precedence.
8.7. (temporarily free)
8.8. (temporarily free)
8.9. (temporarily free)
8.10. Miscellaneous:
8.10.1. Support: In case of problems, the respective league leader must always be contacted via Discord ticket.
8.10.2. Discord Requirement: All participants must provide at least one representative in the respective Discord server and be reachable during the mandatory matches.
9.1. Structure of the National Cup:
9.2. Participants:
9.3. Progression of a Season
9.3.1. The national cup is played in a knockout phase. The number of participating teams determines the number of knockout rounds. The losers of the semi-finals compete against each other in the 3rd place match. The winners of the semi-finals play the final.
9.3.2. (temporarily free)
9.3.3. For each cup round, one match is played. If the match is drawn after this match, extra time is played followed by a penalty shootout. Due to the possibility of extra time and penalty shootouts, sufficient time should be allocated for scheduling. Deviating from this, each knockout round in the Championship League Cup is played in a Best of 3 format. In this case, each game is played to the full distance until one team wins two games.
9.3.4. In each cup round, the matches and the home advantage are redrawn. The team listed at the top of the tournament tree always has the home advantage.
9.4. Winner: The team that wins the last round, the final, is the cup winner.
9.5. (temporarily free)
9.6. Scheduling: A separate deadline is set for each cup round. If the cup match cannot be played within this deadline, §9.6.1 applies. The final will be played on the Day of the Finals.
Information on which games of a competition are scheduled for which date/range can be found on the ProLeague website under the "Match Dates" tab in the team profile or the official schedule: Schedule. This schedule is generally maintained continuously. However, in case of doubt or discrepancies, the scheduling on the ProLeague website takes precedence.
9.6.1. Failure to play a cup match within the designated matchweek will result in disqualification of both teams and punishment of both teams according to §19.2.f. If only one team is responsible for the non-occurrence, only that team will be punished. The burden of proof lies with the claimant.
9.7. (temporarily free)
9.8. Rules of Play: The general rules of the ProLeague apply.
9.8.1. The card rule does not apply in the national cup.
9.9. (temporarily free)
9.10. Miscellaneous
9.10.1. In case of problems, always contact the respective cup administrator via Discord ticket.
9.10.2. Discord Requirement: All participants must provide at least one representative in the national Discord server and be reachable during the mandatory matches.
10.1. Structure of the SPL: The Super Pro League (SPL) is the prize money tournament of the ProLeague. It consists of 1 Paid-League, which separately determines a winner through a league phase, followed by a group phase and a subsequent knockout phase. The organization of the SPL takes place on the official "ProLeague SPL" Discord server (
10.1.1. Each league of the SPL consists of 20 teams.
10.2. Participants:
10.2.1. Participation is open to any team registered on the ProLeague website.
10.2.2. Minimum number of players: Each SPL 1 team must start the match with at least eleven licensed players.
10.2.3. (temporarily free)
10.3. Progression of a Season
10.3.1. Progression of the SPL 1
10.3.2. (temporarily free)
10.3.3. If two or more teams in the league phase or group phase have the same number of points, the order is determined in the following sequence:
- Points
- Goal difference
- Goals scored
- Points in direct comparison
- Goal difference in direct comparison
- Goals scored in direct comparison
- Penalty points in the group (yellow cards count as 1, red cards count as 2)
If there is still a tie after this, the SPL administration determines how the order is decided.
10.3.4. Drawing: The SPL schedule is randomly determined by the ProLeague website unless otherwise stated. In the knockout phase, the best group winner faces the worst group runner-up that did not play in their own group. The second-best group winner faces the second-worst group runner-up that did not play in their own group, and so on. From the semifinals onward, any team can face any other team.
10.4. Winner of the SPL
10.4.1. The team that wins the final at the end of the knockout phase is referred to as the winner of the SPL.
10.4.2. (temporarily free)
10.5. Promotion and Relegation / League Allocation for the New Season
The league allocation is announced by the ProLeague Administration in an article.
10.6. Match Dates: Before the start of the season, a vote is held for each league to decide whether scheduling is free or fixed.
- If fixed scheduling is chosen, the following applies: The standard match dates of the SuperProLeague (SPL) are Tuesdays at 9:00 PM, 9:25 PM, 9:50 PM and Thursdays at 9:00 PM, 9:25 PM, and if necessary 9:50 PM (German time). These can only be rescheduled with the consent of both teams and approval from the SPL Administration. The standard match dates also apply to the group and knockout phases.
- If free scheduling is chosen, the following applies: The match dates of a game week are to be determined independently in consultation with the opponent. After the end of the game week, matches that are not scheduled / conducted will be scheduled or evaluated by the respective league leader / admin.
Which games of a competition are scheduled for which date / period can be found on the ProLeague website under the "Match Dates" tab in the team profile or the official schedule: Schedule. This schedule is generally maintained continuously. However, in case of doubt or discrepancies, the scheduling on the ProLeague website takes precedence.
10.6.1. (temporarily free)
10.7. SPL Match of the Week: During the SPL season, a match of the week is regularly determined. The SPL Match of the Week is mandatory for all SPL participants.
10.7.1. The standard match dates of the SPL Match of the Week are 9:30 PM, 9:55 PM, and 10:20 PM (German time).
10.7.2. Rescheduling of the selected SPL Match of the Week match is not possible.
10.7.3. The teams participating in the Match of the Week are both required to provide a stream with the following settings:
- Audio: Menu music and commentator are to be deactivated, as well as any non-FIFA sounds. Stadium sounds for chants, ball contacts, and referee whistles are to be activated.
- Video: The stream must run stable with at least 720p resolution and 30 FPS. Personal overlays are to be disabled for Match of the Week matches.
10.8. Game Rules
10.8.1. Transfers: Every team playing in the SPL must follow the transfer rules according to §7 and adhere to them. No further transfers are allowed for the semifinals & finals of the SPL. Transfers made after the quarterfinals are not eligible to play for the remaining SPL season.
10.9. Reporting Results: All teams participating in the SPL must carefully enter the matches on the ProLeague website according to §17. The deadline for this is 11:59 PM CET on the day after the matchday.
10.10. Miscellaneous
10.10.1. Support: In case of problems, always contact the respective SPL administrator via Discord ticket.
10.10.2. Discord Requirement: All SPL participants must provide at least one representative in the official ProLeague SPL Discord server ( and be reachable during mandatory matches.
10.10.3. Financial Responsibility: The special member registering a team for the SPL appoints the financial responsible person for the team and a representative. This means they must ensure that any applicable buy-in amount is paid. This person will also receive any prize money won. If the financial responsible person leaves the team, a new financial responsible person must be appointed. Prize money can only be paid out to financial responsible persons who are still on the team roster at the time of the final match.
11.1. Structure: The ProLeague Cup is a platform-wide knockout competition, which is played once per season. The organization of the ProLeague Cup takes place on the official "ProLeague International Competitions" Discord server:
11.2. Participants
11.2.1. Participation in the ProLeague Cup is voluntary for all teams represented in the national leagues of the ProLeague (see § 1.4.1.).
11.2.2. The registration process for the ProLeague Cup starts in a timely manner before each new season and is explained by the administration through an article / Discord announcement.
11.2.3. Teams that have been disqualified from the previous competition due to penalties (e.g., disqualification or administrative decisions) are not eligible to participate in the new season.
11.2.4. The minimum number of players depends on the minimum number of players in the national and international leagues (see § 8.2.). These are:
- League GER: A team must consist of at least eleven players (Championship 1, League ONE), nine players (Championship 2, League TWO), eight players (Championship 3, League THREE), or seven players (League FOUR).
- League TUR: A team must consist of at least seven players (Turkiye Pro Ligi).
- League ITA: A team must consist of at least ten players (Serie A) or eight players (Serie B).
- League ESP: A team must consist of at least seven players (LaLiga A).
- League UK/IRL/FRA: A team must consist of at least xx players.
- League INT: A team must consist of at least nine players (INT 1).
Each team must enter a match with the minimum number of players assigned to the respective league. Only eligible players may be used.
11.3. Progression of a Season
11.3.1. The ProLeague Cup is played in the form of a knockout phase. The number of participating teams determines the number of knockout rounds. The winners of the semi-finals compete in the final.
11.3.2. (temporarily free)
11.3.3. One game is played per round of the knockout phase. If the score is tied after regular time, extra time followed by penalty shootouts will be played. Due to the possibility of extra time and penalty shootouts, sufficient time should be scheduled for scheduling.
11.3.4. Drawing: In each round of the cup, the matches and the home advantage are redrawn. The team listed at the top of the tournament bracket always has the home advantage.
11.4. Winner: The team that wins the last round, i.e., the final, is the cup winner.
11.5. (temporarily free)
11.6. Scheduling: Each cup game must be played in the game week set by the administration until the respective Sunday 11:59 PM German time. All participating teams are required to independently schedule and play the upcoming cup matches with their opponents in the game week specified by the administration. The respective cup match must be scheduled and arranged with the opponent by Thursday of each game week. If this is not done by Friday of the cup game week, the cup administration will set a schedule that cannot be changed.
Which games of a competition are scheduled for which date / period can be found on the ProLeague website under the "Match Dates" tab in the team profile or the official schedule: Schedule. This schedule is generally maintained continuously. However, in case of doubt or discrepancies, the scheduling on the ProLeague website takes precedence.
11.6.1. The "Non-Completion" of a cup match in the designated game week leads to the disqualification of both teams and the punishment of both teams according to § 19.2. If only one team is responsible for the non-occurrence, only this team will be punished. The burden of proof lies with the plaintiff.
11.7. (temporarily free)
11.8. Game Rules: The general rules of the ProLeague apply.
11.8.1. The card rule does not apply in the ProLeague Cup.
11.9. (temporarily free)
11.10. Miscellaneous
11.10.1. In case of problems, always contact the responsible cup administrator via Discord ticket.
11.10.2. Discord Requirement: All participants of the ProLeague Cup must provide at least one representative in the official International ProLeague Discord ( and be reachable during mandatory matches.
12.1. Structure: The Hall of Fame - Challenge (HoF) is a Saturday evening tournament consisting of a group stage followed by a knockout phase. The organization of HoF takes place on the official "ProLeague International Competitions" Discord server:
12.2. Participants
12.2.1. Every team registered on the ProLeague website participating in active league operations at the time of registration and the tournament is eligible to participate.
- Teams registered for the upcoming season meet the requirements according to § 12.2.1..
- Fan or mixed teams are excluded from HoF operations.
12.2.2. Registration of a team implies binding participation in the tournament and is done via a button on the ProLeague website in the "HOF" section. Withdrawal from the tournament after the official draw will be sanctioned according to § 12.2.3. Exceptions can be discussed with the HoF administration.
12.2.3. Premature departure from the HoF Challenge results in exclusion from the next tournament.
12.2.4. Squad: In addition to players from their own squad, each team may field one free agent player and, depending on league affiliation, guest players (players from other teams). Each team must provide a minimum of 5 players registered in their own squad. Free agent players and guest players must be registered. To do this, these players must send a request to a registered team on the ProLeague website in the "HOF" section. The respective team manager must confirm this request. The request and acceptance of free agent players and guest players must be timely, by 8:00 PM German time on the day of the tournament. For registration in the HoF Challenge, each team needs at least one player in the squad who has a valid player license according to § 7.2.. To participate in the tournament, each player (as well as guest players) needs a valid player license according to § 7.2.. Players not affiliated with any team (free agent players) are exempt from the player license requirement. If one's own team participates in the HoF Challenge, players may not play as guests for any other team participating in the HoF Challenge. Players transferred during the HoF tournament are not eligible to play.
12.3. Progression of a HoF Challenge
12.3.1. The game mode is outlined in the "HoF Concept": It consists of a group stage followed by a knockout phase (Swiss system, upper and lower bracket).
12.3.2. The size of the groups, the number of teams qualifying for the knockout phase, and the number of knockout rounds depend on the number of participants.
12.3.3. One game is played in each knockout round, with the loser being eliminated. If a knockout game ends in a tie, extra time and, if necessary, a penalty shootout will determine the winner.
12.3.4. The composition of groups in the group stage of the HoF Challenge is drawn during a live stream. Subsequently, the rankings determine the opponents in the knockout phase (there is no separate draw for the knockout rounds).
12.4. Winner: The team winning the last round of the upper bracket is referred to as the HoF winner.
12.5. (temporarily free)
12.6. Scheduling: HoF Challenges take place exclusively on one evening (Saturdays). The game times are determined by the HoF Concept, which came into effect for Season 23:
Which games of a competition are scheduled for which date / period can be found on the ProLeague website under the "Match Dates" tab in the team profile or the official schedule: Schedule. Generally, this schedule is continuously maintained. However, in case of doubt or discrepancies, the scheduling on the ProLeague website takes precedence.
12.7. (temporarily free)
12.8. Game Rules: The general rules of the ProLeague apply.
12.8.1. The card rule does not apply in the HoF Challenge.
12.9. Result Reporting: The home team always reports the result. Confirmation by the opponent is not required.
12.10. Miscellaneous
12.10.1. In case of problems, always contact the responsible HoF administrator via Discord ticket.
12.10.2. Discord Obligation: All participants of the ProLeague Cup must provide at least one representative in the official "ProLeague International Competitions" Discord server ( and be reachable during mandatory matches.
13.1. Structure: As a continuation of the formerly independent IPCC, the ProLeague organizes international club and national team tournaments. The organization of these competitions takes place on the official "ProLeague International Competitions" Discord:
13.2. Participants: The teams participating in the individual competitions are determined by the following rules of §§13.2. and 13.5.:
13.2.1. Eligible Teams and National Teams
13.2.2. Allocation of Participation Slots
13.2.3. Registration for the Tournaments
13.2.4. Teams that have been eliminated from the previous competition due to penalties (e.g., disqualification or administrative decisions) are not eligible to participate in the new season.
13.2.5. The minimum number of players for the former IPCC club tournaments is 7. The minimum number of players for the former IPCC national team tournaments is 8. If the opponent agrees, it is always possible to play with fewer players. To secure this for any potential protests, proof should be available (e.g., a screenshot of permission in the chat).
13.3. Procedure of a Season: x
13.3.1. Tournament Procedure
13.3.2. Nations League Procedure The Nations League is played in a league system. Each team plays a home and away match against every other team. Each game is considered as an independent match where points can be earned. Each team receives: 3 points for a win, 1 point for a draw, and 0 points for a loss. The team listed first on the ProLeague website for the respective matchday (on the left) has the home advantage. The team with the most points at the end of all matches ranks first. The team with the second most points ranks second, and so on.
13.3.3. In case two or more teams in the tournament group stage or in the Nations League table have the same number of points, the following criteria, in order, determine:
- Points
- Goal difference
- Goals scored
- Points in direct matches
- Goal difference in direct matches
- Goals scored in direct matches
- Offense points in the group (red cards count as 2 offense points)
13.3.4. Drawing Before each group stage and each knockout round, a drawing is conducted. Each drawing is livestreamed. Information about the drawing is published on the "ProLeague International Competitions" Discord.
13.4. Winners: x
13.4.1. Tournaments: The team that wins the final at the end of a knockout phase is referred to as the winner of the respective competition.
13.4.2. Nations League: The team with the most points at the end of all matches is ranked first and is crowned the winner of the IPCC Nations League.
13.5. Ranking: All rankings explained below are available on the official Discord.
13.5.1. Community Ranking The Community Ranking is used to evaluate the performance of each participating league and its teams in the Club Tournaments - IPCC Champions League and IPCC Europa League. The ranking depends on the so-called "Two-Season Average Coefficient" (hereinafter also referred to as "Coefficient"), which is determined by the administration for each league at the end of a season based on the previous two seasons. The league with the highest coefficient ranks first, followed by the league with the second highest coefficient, and so on. In case multiple leagues have the same coefficient, the team with the higher coefficient in the most recent season is ranked higher. Calculation of the "Two-Season Average Coefficient"
- The "Two-Season Average Coefficient" is calculated according to the following formula: (Coefficient of the last season + Coefficient of the season before last) / 2.
- The coefficient per season is calculated as the sum of all points earned by the teams of the respective league, divided by the total number of teams representing the respective league in the IPCC Champions League and IPCC Europa League in the season to be evaluated. The points for the Europa League results of the respective league are multiplied by 0.75.
- Point System:
- Each team receives three points for a win, one point for a draw, and 0 points for a loss.
- Teams that reach the Round of 16, Quarterfinals, Semifinals, Finals, or win the IPCC Champions League or IPCC Europa League receive additional points for reaching the respective knockout round: 0.5 points for reaching the Round of 16 (qualification from the group stage), 1 additional point for reaching the Quarterfinals, 1.5 additional points for reaching the Semifinals, and another 2 points for reaching the Finals. The winner receives 2 additional bonus points.
- No points are awarded for walkover wins/draws of any kind.
13.5.2. Club Ranking The Club Ranking is based on the points earned by individual teams in the last two seasons (§ The club with the highest average points in the last two seasons is ranked 1st. The team with the second-highest average points is ranked 2nd, and so on. If a team did not participate in one of the past seasons, their points are also divided by two.
13.5.3. National Team Ranking The National Team Ranking is based on the results of national teams in the previous tournaments of a year, so that each completed competition is taken into account in the ranking (i.e., each ranking includes the results of the most recently completed Nations League, Euro Cups, World Cups, and Confed Cups). Here, the procedure explained in § applies correspondingly. The national team with the highest average points during this period is ranked 1st. The national team with the second-highest average points is ranked 2nd, and so on. If a national team did not participate in one of the past seasons, their points are also divided by two.
13.6. Scheduling: x
13.6.1. General Scheduling Rules
The scheduled games for a competition for a specific date/period can be found on the ProLeague website under the "Match Dates" tab in the team profile or the official schedule: Schedule. This schedule is generally maintained continuously. However, in case of doubt or discrepancies, the scheduling on the ProLeague website takes precedence.
13.6.2. In deviation from §14.2., there is a grace period of 10 minutes. If a team does not appear at an agreed match time within 10 minutes after the agreed time, this is considered a "non-appearance," and the consequences of §18.5.1. apply.
13.6.3. In the spirit of fair play, not every second should be considered during the grace period. Especially not if invitations have already been sent or the game has been terminated in accordance with the rules (§13.8.1.). (The exact waiting of 10 minutes, e.g., with an atomic clock, is not the aim of the rule §13.6.3.).
13.7. (temporarily free)
13.8. Game Rules:
13.8.1. In deviation from §15.3.10., leaving the game due to technical problems within the first 10 in-game minutes of a mandatory match is allowed.
13.9. Reporting Results:
13.9.1. In deviation from §17.3., both teams have 48 hours to report the match result on the ProLeague website.
13.10. Miscellaneous:
13.10.1. In case of problems, the responsible administrator must always be contacted via Discord ticket.
13.10.2. Discord Requirement: All participants of the IPCC competitions must provide at least one representative in the official "ProLeague International Competitions" Discord ( and be reachable during mandatory matches.
14.1. General: Scheduling of competitions taking place on the ProLeague platform is regulated as follows:
- Scheduling of national leagues is described in § 8.6.
- Scheduling of the SPL is described in §10.6.
- Scheduling of national cups is described in § 9.6.
- Scheduling of the ProLeague Cup is described in § 11.6.
- Scheduling of the HoF is announced via article on the ProLeague website (see also § 12.6.).
- Scheduling of the IPCC competitions is described in §13.6.
14.2. Obligation to adhere to scheduled start times: There is no invitation time. For any games, teams must adhere to the scheduled start time. However, short delays are excusable. In case of any delay, both the respective competition-responsible administrator and the opponent must be contacted. Whether a delay is unnecessarily long is at the discretion of the administration.
14.3. If a game cannot take place due to technical reasons (usually massive connection problems on both sides caused by EA, provider-caused connection problems are expressly not included), a rescheduling can only be agreed upon via a Discord ticket with the respective competition-responsible administrator or, if they are not available, with the platform management for the following game week.
Exception: No games can be rescheduled or postponed on the last two weekends of play.
14.4. Game of the Week
14.4.1. The Game of the Week is a special, non-regularly scheduled game conducted by ProLeague as the organizer. This game is chosen by the ProLeague community and, if compatible with the general interests of the ProLeague, takes place outside the regular game schedule.
14.4.2. The standard game time for the Game of the Week is Sundays at 10:15 PM. Deviations are possible and will be determined by the ProLeague administration if necessary. Rescheduling of the game time is not allowed.
14.4.3. The leagues/competitions eligible to participate in the Game of the Week are determined by the ProLeague editorial team.
14.4.4. Only ProLeague teams from the participating leagues/competitions can participate in the Game of the Week.
14.4.5. Participation in the Game of the Week is mandatory for ProLeague teams. This includes final matches scheduled as the Game of the Week.
14.4.6. To ensure smooth operation, the selected teams will be informed by the editorial team via message. The participating teams will receive a document in this message that must be filled out and returned to the editorial team by the specified time (mentioned in the message).
14.4.7. The teams participating in the Game of the Week are both required to provide a stream with the following settings:
- Audio: Menu music and commentator must be disabled, as well as any non-FIFA sounds. Stadium sounds for crowd chants, ball contacts, and referee whistles must be enabled.
- Video: The stream must run stably with a minimum resolution of 720p and 30 FPS. Personal overlays are to be disabled for Game of the Week matches.
Reminder: The following game rules apply to every competition organized by ProLeague unless an exception is made within the rules of the respective competitions (§ 8 to § 13).
15.1. Minimum Number of Players: The minimum number of players is regulated in the respective paragraphs of the competitions.
15.1.1. Any-Player: The use of the so-called "Any-Player" is allowed.
15.2. Player Eligibility: Only players who have registered on the homepage, joined a team according to § 7.1., and received a game license according to § 7.2. are eligible to play.
In addition, a valid Game ID must be stored in the player profile. A valid Game ID exists if the in-game ID used exactly matches the Game ID stored in the player profile of the ProLeague website. Correct capitalization is exempted until further notice. Note: The Game ID on XBOX must necessarily include the unique identifier but without the hashtag (Example: XBOX-ID JonnyEsbeck#9999 becomes Game-ID JonnyEsbeck9999). Using another player's account is prohibited (§ 15.2.1. Accountsharing).
15.2.1. Accountsharing: In case of suspicion of account sharing, a meeting will be convened with the respective league manager, the team's club manager, and the player in question. If the suspicion is confirmed, the player will be punished according to § 18.5.1.B. If multiple players/club managers are involved, they will also be penalized as determined by the administration.
15.2.2. Use of Alias: In all ProLeague competitions (evening/spontaneous tournaments may choose a different rule), the "Alias" name of the player pro must be set up in such a way that the Alias can be clearly assigned to the Game ID.
15.2.3. Bot Alias: Bots must be labeled with the Alias "BOT" or "AI".
15.3. Game Invitations (General)
15.3.1. The team with the home advantage always has the right to invite the opponent to the compulsory match. The ProClub friendly match is used for this purpose. Exceptions to the home advantage are regulated by § 15.3.3.
15.3.2. Troubleshooting: In case of the "invitation bug", it occasionally happens that due to technical circumstances, the visiting team cannot be found or the visiting team does not receive the invitation from the home team. We recommend the following troubleshooting steps:
- Changing the captain,
- Lobby reset (all players leave the ProClub mode and reload it only when all players are in the EA SPORTS FC main menu).
15.3.3. Surrendering the Home Advantage: The right to invite can be surrendered to the visiting team if:
- The home team cannot find the visiting team when searching for the friendly match,
- The home team cannot invite the visiting team due to other technical reasons,
- The visiting team demonstrably does not receive the invitation,
The home team and the visiting team must agree that the visiting team assumes the right to invite.
15.3.4. Creating a Replacement Club: If the home team is neither successful after taking the measures under § 15.3.2. nor agrees to surrender the home advantage under § 15.3.3., the team must create a replacement club that uses the most user-controlled players in the compulsory match. If both teams play with an equal number of user-controlled players, the visiting team must create a replacement club. The right to invite remains with the home team.
15.3.5. Informing the Next Opponent: If the start of the game is delayed due to disconnects or EA SPORTS FC bugs, then the following opponents must be informed promptly on the same evening about the expected delay.
15.3.6. The teams must contact each other at the start of the game. A simple "Hey" or another unclear message sent only from the VM list of the opposing team does not suffice as a contact attempt. There are several ways to contact the opponent. The following communication sequence is recommended for this purpose: 1. Discord, 2. ProLeague website.
15.3.7. Permitted Stadiums: Only certain stadiums are permitted in all ProLeague competitions. The list of stadiums allowed in EA SPORTS FC can be found here: CLICK HERE Unmentioned stadiums are allowed.
15.3.8. It is not allowed to modify the stadium name. Stadiums can be reported to the administration for review, with the burden of proof resting on the applicant.
15.3.9. Colors for Custom Jerseys: When using custom jerseys, the two jerseys must visually differ from each other sufficiently. What is considered sufficient is decided by the league manager in case of doubt.
15.3.10. Game Abandonments: The 5-minute rule applies: During the first five minutes of the game, a game abandonment is allowed if a player is sent off or if the game becomes unplayable due to delays, graphical bugs, or other impairments. The game starts again from the beginning. If goals, assists, own goals, yellow or red cards have already been scored during the abandoned game, they will be added to the new result or match report. A received red card in the abandoned game also applies to the replay, i.e., the player who received the red card must immediately get another red card at the start of the game again to restore the numerical disadvantage. The opponent must support the red card.
15.4. Game Cancellations:
- A single compulsory match scheduled on a weekday with multiple games cannot be canceled. Individual cases will be reviewed and decided upon in consultation with the respective league manager. Cancellations of all compulsory matches on a weekday are possible under the conditions of § 15.4.1.
- If a team cancels a game appointment under false pretenses, the ProLeague Administration reserves the right to sanction the said team up to and including league exclusion.
15.4.1. Game Cancellations due to Insufficient Number of Players:
- If a previously agreed game cannot take place due to a lack of players from one team, the affected team must contact the upcoming opponent via Discord at least 8 hours before the start of the game, as well as inform the responsible league manager/administrator via ticket.
- A cancellation is only effective once approved by the league manager/administrator, for which a reason must be given. Approval by the league manager/administrator does not require public communication.
15.5. Streaming Obligation: Every team participating in ProLeague competitions undertakes to stream its compulsory matches via an appropriate platform. The streams must be freely accessible for 72 hours after the game. An up-to-date stream link of all teams must be mandatory stored in the team profile on the ProLeague website. If another player is streaming, this alternative stream link must be provided upon request by another VM.
15.6. Card Rule: If a player receives a yellow-red or red card, he will be suspended for the first game of the following game week (the 1st matchday of the following week counts). If a player receives multiple dismissals within a game week, the suspension will be extended by one game per dismissal.
- If a player receives a yellow-red or red card on a matchday consisting of 3 games, he is suspended for the 1st matchday of the following game week.
- Matchdays 4, 5, and 6 fall on a weekend. If a player receives a yellow-red or red card on matchday 4, 5, or 6 -> Suspended on matchday 7, regardless of when that matchday is played. This naturally applies to matchdays consisting of 2 or 4 games as well.
- A sending-off in both the 11th and 12th games in the same 2-game week -> Suspended for games 13 and 14 (1st matchday of the following week and an extension of the suspension for one game).
- A sending-off in games 13, 14, and 15 in the same 3-game week -> Suspended for games 16, 17, and 18 (1st matchday of the following week and an extension of the suspension for two games).
15.6.1. Replay: A sending-off in the main or decision game also counts for a replay. Thus, no other player from the team who did not play before is allowed to take the position of the suspended player.
15.6.2. Def - Wins / Individual Ratings: Games that are not played regularly, such as victory by Def-Win / individual rating, do not count towards serving penalties (red card suspension, league suspension). If, according to § 19, a game in which a card suspension has been served is retrospectively counted, it is considered served.
15.6.3. Season Transition: Card suspensions are reset after each season and are not carried over to the new season.
15.7. Bugusing: Any form of bug exploitation is prohibited.
15.7.1. Goalkeeper Interference: Blocking the goalkeeper is prohibited, e.g., during set pieces and goal kicks (player runs into the goalkeeper). Conversely, it is also prohibited for a goalkeeper to provoke interference.
15.7.2. Interference in Set Pieces:
Any interference in set pieces is prohibited. This includes in particular:
- Failure to maintain the 9.15m distance in set pieces by using player animations,
- Interference with the shooter by influencing their run-up path / blocking the run-up path,
- Intentional pushing / knocking down / tackling of an opponent, causing them to fall,
- similar interference against the opponent.
15.8. Gamebreaking Bugs: In the event of bugs for which neither team is responsible and which significantly affect the course of the game, the following procedure is followed: If the bug occurs in the first half of the game, the entire game must be replayed. If the bug occurs in the second half, everything that happens in the first half will be included in the final match report, and an additional half will be played. Screenshots must be taken accordingly during halftime of the make-up game.
15.8.1. The opposing team must be informed of the delay before the restart.
15.9. Respectful Conduct / Fair Play / Sporting Behavior: Respectful and fair behavior towards the opponent is expected in all ProLeague matches.
15.10. Unsportsmanlike Behavior: Any form of unsportsmanlike behavior (such as time wasting) is prohibited and will be reviewed and sanctioned by the administration on a case-by-case basis.
15.11. Match Fixing in the ProLeague
15.11.1. Anyone who, as a player, official, or admin, influences the outcome or result of a ProLeague competition in favor of the opponent and thereby gains an unlawful financial advantage through a public sports bet related to the ProLeague, will be punished with a ProLeague suspension. The duration of the suspension will be determined at the discretion of the administration and will be at least one year.
15.11.2. ProLeague competitions include any eSports events managed and organized by the ProLeague. In particular, this includes any matches of national leagues, national cups, the ProLeague Cup, the Hall of Fame Challenge, and the Super ProLeague (SPL).
15.11.3. An official within the meaning of § 15.11 is someone who decides on the use and instructions of players in a ProLeague competition.
15.12. Size Limitation: To improve competition, all players must configure their virtual pro to comply with the following size limitations during official matches:
15.12.1. Teams playing with a 3- or 5-defender formation may have 3 center backs (CB) with a height of up to 1.87m. The remaining players on the team may have a height of up to 1.82m. Goalkeepers are not subject to size limitations.
15.12.2. Teams playing with a 4-defender formation may have 2 center backs (CB) with a height of up to 1.87m. Additionally, either 1 full-back (FB) or 1 central defensive midfielder (CDM) on the team may have a height of up to 1.87m. The remaining players on the team may have a height of up to 1.82m. Goalkeepers are not subject to size limitations.
15.12.3. The choice between full-back (FB) and central defensive midfielder (CDM) is only available in the case of a 4-defender formation.
15.12.4. The aforementioned size limitations must be configured exclusively in the virtual pro system according to the metric system. If the Anglo-American size system (feet and inches) is used, conversion must be made accordingly. Warning: 6 feet and 0 inches = 1.8288m does not comply with the previously mentioned limit of 1.82m and is therefore not allowed. 6 feet and 2 inches = 1.8796m does not comply with the limit of 1.87m and is therefore not allowed.
15.12.5. The size limitation does not apply to bots, as their size cannot be adjusted.
15.12.6. The sizes of all field players on the team must be shown in the stream (see §15.5). To do this, the streamer opens the "Team Management" during halftime and shows the sizes of all field players on the field. A recording of the mandatory match showing compliance with the size limitation is also acceptable, provided that it clearly identifies the mandatory match.
16.1. Prohibition of Any Game Modifications: All modifications to EA SPORTS FC are prohibited. The timing of the modification is irrelevant, meaning that any modifications outside of ProLeague gameplay are also prohibited. Modifications include any visual and technical changes, regardless of whether they provide an advantage to the individual or not.
16.1.1. Permitted Modifications: The following variables may be altered within the game files:
The ProLeague bears no responsibility for the manipulation of game files.
16.1.2. Body Glitch: In some parts of EA SPORTS FC, a glitch known as the Body Glitch occurred. If a player is found with this glitch, they will receive a warning. Upon a repeated occurrence, intentional manipulation will be assumed. If the administration has no reason to believe the Body Glitch was intentionally used, the punishment will be as follows:
- First Offense: Warning
- Second Offense: Two-week Suspension
- Third Offense: Punishment as per § 16.2.
16.2. Violation of the Modification Prohibition: Players found guilty under § 16.1. receive a ProLeague suspension, the duration of which is at the discretion of the administration based on the severity of the violation, lasting at least until the end of the current part of EA SPORTS FC at the time of manipulation. In less severe cases (e.g., visual modifications), a reduced ProLeague suspension may be imposed at the discretion of the administration, lasting at least until the end of the ongoing season at the time of the violation. Repeated violations of § 16.1. result in a lifetime ProLeague suspension.
16.3. Partial Violation of the Modification Prohibition: Players found partially guilty under § 16.1. receive a ProLeague suspension, the maximum duration of which is one year, at the discretion of the administration based on the severity of the violation.
16.4. Individual Evaluation of Official Matches: In cases where a player is proven to have made a modification under § 16.1., affected matches in which the convicted player had a specific opportunity to make a modification or there is evidence that the convicted player used a modification may be evaluated against the team for which the player actively participated, following the individual evaluation guidelines under § 19.2.
16.5. Mitigating Circumstances: The discretionary punishment (length of ProLeague suspension) may be mitigated if the player found guilty under § 16.2. or partially guilty under § 16.3. contributes to the clarification of a manipulation related to their own manipulation under § 16.1. by voluntarily disclosing their knowledge.
16.6. Obligation to Report Knowledge of a Modification: Anyone who becomes aware of a manipulation under § 16.1. must report it to the administration immediately. Intentional failure to report or concealment of facts related to manipulations under § 16.1. may result in a ProLeague suspension of up to one year at the discretion of the ProLeague administration.
16.7. Fabrication of False Modification Evidence: Anyone who knowingly uses or produces false information/facts (e.g., falsifying evidence, screenshots, videos, etc.) to accuse a player of violating § 16.1. will be punished with a ProLeague suspension at the discretion of the administration. The minimum duration of this punishment is one year.
16.8. Publicly Accusing Modifications: Publicly accusing cheating, which objectively tarnishes the reputation of a team or player, is prohibited. The administration decides at its discretion and on a case-by-case basis, depending on the extent of the accusation and the damage caused to the reputation, on the appropriate punishment. The maximum duration of the ProLeague suspension under § 16.8. is one year.
16.9. Overview of Suspended Players: Special members can inquire with the ProLeague administration to find out which players are suspended from ProLeague gameplay.
16.10. (Temporarily vacant)
17.1. The result of a match is entered on the ProLeague website in the team area under "Match Dates."
17.2. Result entry must follow the guidelines in the TUTORIAL. This includes providing correct information regarding the result, lineup, MVP, goals, assists, and cards (individual yellow cards are irrelevant) according to the uploaded screenshots. Players who achieve the highest in-game rating for their respective teams are automatically designated as MVP. If multiple players receive the same rating, the team may decide which of these players receives the MVP designation. Screenshots according to § 17.6. must be uploaded at the designated locations with readable quality.
17.2.1. When entering the lineup, the following assignments apply:
- GK: any player who is in the GK position at the end of the match.
- LB/LWB: any player who is in the LB or LWB position at the end of the match.
- CB/LCB/RCB: any player who is in the LCB, CB, or RCB position at the end of the match.
- RB/RWB: any player who is in the RB or RWB position at the end of the match.
- CDM/LDM/RDM: any player who is in the CDM, LDM, or RDM position at the end of the match.
- CM/LCM/RCM: any player who is in the CM, LCM, or RCM position at the end of the match.
- LM: any player who is in the LM position at the end of the match.
- RM: any player who is in the RM position at the end of the match.
- CAM/LAM/RAM: any player who is in the CAM, LAM, or RAM position at the end of the match.
- LW: any player who is in the LW position at the end of the match.
- RW: any player who is in the RW position at the end of the match.
- ST/CF/LS/LF/RS/RF: any player who is in the ST, CF, LS, LF, RS, or RF position at the end of the match.
17.3. The entry of the match result is independent of the opponent's entry and must be done independently by the teams. Both the home and away teams are required to enter the match result within 24 hours after the match. (For example, played on Sunday at 9:00 p.m. It must be entered by Monday at 9:00 p.m.).
If, for technical reasons, the entire matchday is reset, the team that entered correctly beforehand will have the opportunity to re-enter the match 24 hours after the reset. The league leader will promptly inform the team of the reset.
17.4. If there are problems or discrepancies when reporting the result, the situation (reason) must be reported immediately via ticket. An extension of the entry deadline is possible on a case-by-case basis and at the discretion of the responsible administrator.
17.5. If a computer-controlled bot, which takes over the corresponding position due to a player's connection interruption, scores goals, assists, or receives red cards, these will be credited to the human player. The entry is made as if the player had completed the match. With appropriate evidence of the connection interruption provided to the league leader, the deletion of the cards can be requested.
17.6. The following screenshots are required:
The home team creates screenshots of:
- Match info (overview)
- Player performance (includes players, MVP, assists, and goals)
- Event Screen (Generally optional, but mandatory in the case of a red card)
The away team creates screenshots of:
- Player performance (includes players, MVP, assists, and goals)
- Player ID list
- Event Screen (Generally optional, but mandatory in the case of a red card)
If the match ends in a draw, both teams have enough players in the game to take the necessary pictures. Only when both teams confirm to each other that they have all the pictures may the teams leave the game.
Only readable screenshots and clear photos from EA SPORTS FC or the Twitch recording are accepted.
17.7. Entering Penalty Shootout Results: If a winner must be determined by a penalty shootout, it is entered as follows: If the match ends in a draw after 120 minutes of play (e.g., 2:2), both teams enter the scorers, assists, and respective MVPs as usual. The overall result is now entered as 3:2 (see example). The bot is chosen as the scorer of the decisive goal.
18.1. The ProLeague has various methods of punishment available. Penalties can affect both players and teams.
18.2. Penalties are divided into warnings, Penalty Points (hereinafter referred to as PP), and punishments. While warnings generally consist of a conversation between the league manager and the team management or player, Penalty Points have indirect consequences, and punishments have direct consequences. PP are recorded in the team profile and lead to different consequences when accumulated (see § 18.5.3. and § 18.5.4.). PP are considered separately for each competition.
18.3. Warnings
Warnings, which can be given orally or listed in the team or player profile in writing, result from violations of, among other things:
- § 15.2.2. Alias does not match Game-ID,
- § 15.2.3. Bot alias is not "BOT" or "AI",
- § 15.3.8. Prohibition of changing the stadium name,
- § 15.3.9. Use of similarly colored jerseys in Custom Jerseys,
- § 8.10.2. or 9.10.2. or 10.10.2. or 11.10.2. or 12.10.2. No representative in Discord for mandatory matches.
- § 15.3.6. Insufficient attempt to contact prior to a mandatory match.
- § 15.3.5. Failure to inform the opponent and the league manager in case of delays. The third offense leads to a Penalty Point.
Violations of A and E result in warnings for the violating player.
18.4. Penalty Points (PP)
Penalty Points, listed in the team profile for any violation, result at the discretion of the league manager from, among other things, violations of:
- § 15.9. Respectful conduct / Fair play / Sportsmanship (burden of proof lies with the plaintiff),
- § 15.3.7. Prohibition of using a specific stadium,
- § 9.6. or 10.6.1. or 11.6. Deadlines for individual match dates,
- § 15.4. Reporting requirement when canceling league matches,
- § 17.2. Reporting match results,
- § 17.3. Deadline for entering matches,
- § 14.4.5. Participation in the game of the week,
- § 18.3. from the fourth warning (three warnings without PP),
- § 14.2. Timely start of the match,
- § 17.6. Early departure from the match in case of a draw (no consultation with the opposing team so that the other team could not take pictures of the match, communication takes place via Discord),
- § 14.3. Postponement outside the deadlines without consultation with the league manager.
- § 15.5. Violation of streaming obligations.
- § 15.7. Use of bugs (including blocking the goalkeeper, manipulating the wall during free kicks).
18.4.1. Addition to 18.4.A. For players who violate § 15.9., individual penalties in the form of mandatory match bans with a maximum duration of four weeks can be imposed on a case-by-case basis and at the discretion of the PL admins. In case of repeat offenses, the maximum duration can be increased to eight weeks.
18.4.2. Penalty Points - Gradation
The gradation of PP occurs per competition and for repeated violations according to the following maximum gradation:
- for A, B, C, D, L, M: 2 PP - 3 PP - 4 PP,
- for E, F, H, I: 1 PP - 2 PP - 4 PP,
- for G: 1 PP & 1 point deduction in the league - 2 PP & 1 point deduction in the league - 3 PP & 2 points deduction in the league,
- for J, K: 1 PP - 1 PP - 1 PP.
18.4.3 Suspension of Gradation Levels: If the player or team to be sanctioned had similar penalties in the previous season resulting in Penalty Points, the first gradation level may be suspended at the discretion of the administration.
18.5. Punishment
18.5.1. Team Penalties
The following violations result in Penalty Points and individual assessment (see §19.2.) of a mandatory match:
- § 15.2. First sentence Playing a player without valid eligibility (3 PP and individual assessment),
- § 15.2.1. Account sharing (3 PP and individual assessment, repeated violations lead to suspension for the rest of the season),
- § 15.1. Falling below the minimum number of players at the start of a match (1 PP and individual assessment),
- § 15.4. Non-occurrence of a scheduled league match (1 PP and individual assessment, burden of proof lies with the plaintiff),
- § 15.4. Non-occurrence of multiple match dates on the same day of the week (3 PP and individual assessment, burden of proof lies with the plaintiff),
- § 15.9. et seq. Violations of Fair play/Sportsmanship according to § 15.9. et seq., which demonstrably influence the game result in favor of the violating team or player, such games may be assessed by the PL administration against the violating team depending on the extent of the violation and at the discretion of the PL administration.
- § 15.6. Playing despite match ban (Red) (2 PP and individual assessment).
- If both teams do not appear for the scheduled match, the match is valued as 0:0 and one point is deducted from each team in the table.
- § 15.12. Disregarding the regulations on size limitation (1 PP and individual assessment, burden of proof lies with the plaintiff),
- § 15.3.10. Premature departure from a mandatory match after the 5th minute and before the end of the match (1 PP and individual assessment).
- § (temporarily free)
- § 15.4.1. Late match cancellation/postponement outside the 8-hour deadline.
- § 8.5.2. Non-participation in Challenge Matches by existing teams (depending on future league affiliation, as many PP's as necessary for the complex sanctioning according to §18.5.3 A to take effect with two more PP's).
- § 8.5.2. Non-participation in Challenge Matches by new applicants (placement as low as possible on the standby list).
18.5.2. Player Penalties
The following violations result in player penalties:
- § 15.2. Second sentence onward Errors in the Game-ID.
- First offense: Note in player profile + Warning
- Second offense: Note in player profile + 1 match ban
- Each subsequent offense: Note in player profile + 2 match ban
- § 18.3. from the fourth warning (three warnings without punishment).
18.5.3. Complex Sanctioning
The following violations lead to more complex sanctions. Penalty Points are accumulated separately per competition.
- Accumulation of nine PP (Championship 1-3, League ONE and TWO) or twelve PP (League THREE) or fifteen (League FOUR): One point deduction,
- Accumulation of thirteen PP (Championship 1-3, League ONE and TWO) or sixteen PP (League THREE) or twenty (League FOUR): Three points deduction.
- In case of accumulation of more than thirteen PP (Championship 1-3, League ONE and TWO) or sixteen PP (League THREE) or twenty (League FOUR): 3 points deduction. For every additional 2 PP, an additional 3 points are deducted.
- § 16. Modifications: Ban/suspension according to § 16.1. et seq.
- § 4.3. Violation of regulations regarding club teams:
- A player is additionally on the roster of another club/team in a different league during the ongoing season of the ProLeague Championship but has not actively played (2 match ban for the player from the time of detection + player is only eligible to play again when the other club has been left).
- A player is additionally on the roster of another club/team in a different league during the ongoing season of the ProLeague Championship and has actively played (10 match ban for the player from the time of detection + evaluation of the matches against the team in which the affected player was used while actively playing in another club. The evaluation of the match can only be demanded by protest. Without protest, the match evaluation is waived, the remaining penalties remain in effect).
18.5.4. Decision on the Continued Existence of a Team
Admin decision on the continued existence of a team, its further participation in the ProLeague, or its exclusion is triggered by:
- Accumulation of 13 PP (Championship 1-3, League ONE and TWO) or 16 PP (League THREE) or 20 PP (League FOUR).
- § 4.1.2. Violation of the minimum number of players in the team.
- § 7.4. Violation of the team takeover rule.
- It is up to the admin team to allow the affected team to continue participating in the ProLeague under conditions. The conditions are to be determined at the discretion of the admins.
18.5.5. Bans in Communication Channels Communication channels within the meaning of § 18.5.5.f. are: Shoutbox, team posts, forum threads, Teamspeak chats, Discord chats, news comments, private messages, ProLeague Discord server, and other media managed by the ProLeague administration. Temporary bans in ProLeague communication channels may, depending on the nature and extent and at the discretion of the PL admins, result from the following violations:
- Insults/Public Hate against one or more players or teams,
- Provocations,
- Abuse,
- Lack of respect,
- Spam,
- Dissemination of Nazi, racist, or similar contemptuous content (Violation of § 4 Terms of use of the PL, thus additional severe player penalties of the perpetrator will follow),
- The communication channel, as defined by § 18.5.5., on which the violations listed under § occurred, is irrelevant. The duration of the ban is regulated by § The violations listed in § lead to temporary bans that escalate gradually. The duration of each ban can be found in the following table:
Level Violation of § 18.5.5. Duration of the ban
1. First offense 24 hours
2. Second offense 1 week
3. Third offense 1 month
4. Fourth offense onward at least 6 months (admin decision)
From level 3 onwards, the administration reserves the right to also ban the suspended user from further communication channels (e.g., forum). The decision is made on a case-by-case basis. Sections and remain unaffected by this regulation. In the event of a user violating § four times, a lifelong ban from the shoutbox may be imposed. The decision is made by the administration after evaluating the individual case and at its own discretion. In particularly serious cases of violation of §, in addition to §§, a sanction (temporary ProLeague or match ban, etc.) may be imposed at the discretion of the administration.
18.6. Overview of suspended players: An overview of player suspensions is located on the ProLeague website under the respective league tab "Suspensions".
19.1. Overall Evaluation
19.1.1. In case of team dissolution/disqualification, the following procedure applies:
- If a team is dissolved/disqualified before the start of the season (Monday before the 1st season match), it will be replaced by the highest-placed team (first non-promoted team from the previous season from the next lower league. If a team from the lowest league is dissolved/disqualified before the start of the season, it will be replaced by a backup team (if available).
- If a team dissolves or is disqualified after the start of the competition, it will not be replaced. Thus, all matches of the dissolved/disqualified team will be evaluated as 2:0 (first and second leg) in favor of the opposing team. If a team from the lowest league dissolves/disqualifies after the start of the season, it will be replaced by a backup team (if available).
- In the context of knockout competitions (any form of knockout system), the overall evaluation will be based solely on the results of the current round. Disqualified/dissolved teams will not be considered in the evaluation and will not be replaced by other teams.
19.1.2. In special circumstances (e.g., multiple team dissolutions in one league), it is the responsibility of the administration to balance the league sizes and to move one or more teams to the next higher league.
19.2. Individual Evaluation
19.2.1. In the case of a violation of a rule of the ProLeague regulations, an individual evaluation may occur. The team violating a rule will be referred to as the violating team.
19.2.2. In the event of a rule violation resulting in an individual evaluation, the result will be reviewed by the responsible administrator or, in representation, by the ProLeague platform management.
19.2.3. In the event of an individual evaluation, official matches will be evaluated as follows:
- If the match has not yet been played: 2:0 in favor of the violating team.
- If the match has already been played, it will also be evaluated as 2:0 in favor of the violating team. Unless the actual result is better for the other team.
19.2.4. If a match must be evaluated against both teams according to § 19.2., the result will be set at 0:0 and both teams will have the point deducted that they received for the draw.
20.1. If assistance from an administrator is required regarding the regulations or other issues, administrators can be contacted at any time using the Discord ticket system.
20.2. Protest: A protest (reporting a rule violation) can only be filed within 48 hours after the start of the match. Beyond that, the protest will not be considered. It is solely the responsibility of the teams (authorized representatives in the Discord channel) to ensure and timely file the protest. The team filing the protest bears the burden of proof and must provide evidence within 48 hours.
The 48-hour rule is applicable unless it is waived in individual paragraphs.
All protests must be reported via Discord ticket. Private messages to the administrators are not sufficient.
20.3. General Clause: With regard to these regulations, the administration reserves the right to evaluate individual decisions as special cases. These will be explained in detail in the form of an announcement.
20.4. Shoutbox: Stream links in the shoutbox that do not belong to an EA SPORTS FC stream are tolerated, provided they contribute to the strengthening of the community. Any content posted in the shoutbox is available to ProLeague for content creation.
As of: 17.04.2024
CL & EL Regeln
Furthermore, we reserve the right to also react to incidents not listed here with sanctions!
1.1. For the purposes of these rules, the paragraphs of the IPCC Constitution shall also apply unless otherwise provided in the following paragraphs. This applies in particular to definitions of terms as well as rights and obligations.
1.2. There are two different tournaments. The IPCC Champions League (CL) and the IPCC Europa League (EL).
1.3. Champions League and Europa League have 32 slots.
1.4. Format: Groups Stage + Knockout Stage.
1.5. Group Stage: Eight (8) groups with four (4) teams per group.
1.6. In each group, the 1st and 2nd of the group qualify directly to Ro16. Teams finished 3rd in the group stage of Champions League proceed to Europa League “in between rounds” to face teams that finished 2nd in the group stage of Europa League.
1.7. The Knockout Stage includes: “in-between round”, Ro16, Quarter Final, Semi Final and Final.
1.8. Tournaments are played on the ProLeague website (
1.9. Organizational things are done on the official Discord (IPCC CL/EL).
1.10 By registering in a team's squad (being part of the roster in the intended discord channels), the rules herein and those of the IPCC Constitution are deemed to be accepted and agreed to.
2.1. The slot distribution consists of guaranteed slots and performance based slots.
2.2. Guaranteed Slots
2.2.1. Both, the defending CL and EL champion, will receive an CL slot that is independent of the respective community.
2.2.2. Every European community that is part of the IPCC, will receive a specific amount of guaranteed slots.
2.2.3. Communities that do not consist of a high percentage of teams of the specific region get a limited number of slots -> 2+2.
2.2.4. Every community with more than 12 eligible teams, will receive 2+2 guaranteed slots.
2.2.5. Every community with more than 10 eligible teams, will receive 1+2 guaranteed slots.
2.2.6. Every community with more than 8 eligible teams, will receive 1+1 guaranteed slots.
2.2.7. Every community with more than 6 eligible teams, will receive 1 guaranteed EL slot.
2.2.8. The number of "Eligible Teams" refers to the status at the end of the previous season.
2.3. Community Ranking
2.3.1. Depending on the number of guaranteed slots distributed via §2.2, the communities will be awarded additional CL and EL slots in a proportionate and fair way according to the Community Ranking.
2.3.2. Community Ranking is used to determine the season's overall performance of the leagues affiliated to IPCC in terms of international clubs competitions - Champions League and Europa League. The ranking depends on the average points of each community gained in the last two (2) seasons (Two-Season-Average-Coefficient). The community with the highest overall average is the #1 ranked community, followed by the community with the second highest overall and so on.
2.3.3. Coefficient calculation
- The coefficient for each season is calculated as a sum of all points obtained by community's clubs dividing by the total number of clubs representing the community in that season for both Champions League and Europa League, however the points for Europa League results of the community will be multiplied by 0.75.
- In the case if two communities have the same coefficient, the association with the higher coefficient in the most recent season is placed first.
2.3.4. Points system
- Each team gets three (3) points for a win, one (1) point for a draw and 0 points for losing.
- Clubs that reach the round of 16, quarter-finals, semi-finals, final or winning of the Champions League or Europa League, are awarded an additional points for reaching the stage: 0.5 points for reaching round of 16(qualifying from the group), one point for reaching quarter finals, 1.5 points for reaching semi-final and 2 points for reaching the final. The champion gets 2 more additional points.
- Points are not given for free win of any kind, either walkover or opponent being banned. Additional points for reaching the "in between" stage are also not given.
3.1. There will be a draw before the group stage and for each individual knockout-stage. The draw will be done randomized.
3.2. Every draw will be streamed live on twitch with an announcement in discord.
3.3. In the group stage draw, teams will be drawn from four (4) pots consisting of eight (8) teams each. With the exception of the current CL and EL winners(guaranteed position in POT 1), all teams will be seeded in the pots according to the Club Ranking.
3.4. Club Ranking
3.4.1. Club Ranking is based on the previous two (2) seasons points that the clubs achieved (§2.3.4).
"3.4.2. The club with the highest average of points in the last two (2) seasons will be ranked at position #1. The team with the second highest average will be ranked at position #2 and so on.
3.4.3. If a team didn't compete in one of the previous seasons their points will be also divided by 2.
3.5. During the draw of the group stage, the round of 16 in CL and the in-between-round in EL, it is not possible to be matched with a team from the same community.
4.1. Group Stage
4.1.1. Each team will face each of their three (3) opponents drawn in their particular group.
4.1.2. There is both a home and an away match against each opponent, which results into six (6) matches in total. Matches have to be played on the default matchdays, unless re-arranged by mutual agreement (compare §6.2 to §6.7).
4.1.3. Each of the six (6) games is seen as a stand-alone game in which points can be scored. Each team receives: 3 points for a win, 1 point for a draw and 0 points for a loss.
4.1.4. Home right has the team which is named first (standing on the left) on the ProLeague website on the corresponding match day.
4.1.5. The team that has collected the most points at the end of all group stage games will take the first place in the group table. The team that has scored the second most points takes second place, etc.
4.1.6. In the case of even points, the team with the better goal difference is placed above in the table. If this value is also equal, the team with more goals scored will be placed higher. If no differentiation is possible after this, the winner of the direct duel will be placed higher.
4.2. Knockout Stage:
4.2.1. Home and Away matches are to be played in the knockout stages.
4.2.2. The team that has scored more goals after both matches will advance to the next round.
4.2.3. If the number of goals scored is level, a third match must be played. Home team of the third match is the team that was the home team in the first match.
4.2.4. If the third match still ends without a winner, extra time or even penalties are necessary.
5.1. The maximum number of players per squad/roster is twenty three (23)
5.2. Each squad/roster list must be properly entered on ProLeague Page and on discord in the intended channels.
5.2.1. If a player has a slightly different Origin-ID on Discord, ProLeague Page and or Origin, the result will stay and the player AND the team captain will receive a warning at the first time and a suspension for one match at the following mistake .
5.2.2. If the ID of a player matches the ID on the ProLeague Page, but not the ID on Discord, the captain will receive 1 match ban after a warning for the first mistake.
5.2.3. If a player has a totally different Origin-ID on Discord, ProLeague Page and or Origin, the game he played in will be replayed and the specific player and the team captain will receive a one match suspension.
5.2.4. To clarify, wrong use of capital and small initial letters don't matter, as long as it is the same ID. That also counts for missing team-tags.
5.3. The minimum number of players to play a CL / EL match is Seven (7). If the minimum number of 7 players cannot be obtained, the opposite team receives a default win 2-0.
5.4. Only players registered correctly within the squad/roster on Discord and ProLeague Page are eligible to play in the competition.
5.4.1. Eligible on ProLeague Page means: to be accepted in the squad by team manager and admin before the end of transfer deadline (visible with a green checkmark and the IPCC-Tag). Screenshots in your players profiles aren't necessary.
5.4.2. Eligible on Discord means: to be entered in the squad list by your team leader before the end of transfer deadline (channel will be locked after the deadline ends).
5.5. If an ineligible player (e. g. not registered in the squad by his manager or suspended due to rule violations) plays an official match, the match needs to be replayed unless the opponent wins or advances to the next round with the actual result.
5.6. If it is determined that someone other than the owner is using the account (account sharing), the match will be judged 0-2.
5.7. Transfer window is open between the end of the group stage and the beginning of the knockout stage. During the transfer window you can add\delete players in your ProLeague roster, but you must report the changes on Discord.
5.8. If the squad/roster is still not submitted in time for your first fixture, your team receives a default loss of 2-0.
5.9. Second Account Rule:
5.9.1. The IPCC will allow up to two accounts maximum.
-Primary account (first account)
-Secondary account
5.9.2. The use of a second account is only possible with the approval of the local region owner and the IPCC admins.
5.9.3. Modifying the accounts (allocating which one is the primary account) is only possible during the time after a season and before the start of a new season. This must be done with the approval of the local region owner and the IPCC Admins.
5.9.4. These two accounts must be used in different communities / countries.
5.9.5. Only the primary account has the right to play in the international competitions organized by the IPCC.
5.9.6. It is necessary to highlight players with second accounts in the squad-registration.
5.9.7. Playing an IPCC match with an unapproved or secondary account is strictly forbidden. If there is evidence of that, the opposite team receives a default win 0-2 and the player will receive a ban. In very severe cases also the team captain will receive a sanction.
5.10. The use of ANY is not allowed. If a team uses ANY, it will lose the match by 0-2.
5.11. Rematches are prefered in nearly every case!
6.1. The calendar of events for each tournament will be created by the Admins, approved by the IPCC Council and published in the corresponding discord channels.
6.2. Fixtures are set as default to be played on a Thursday.
6.3. Fixtures are played according to the following default time tables (it provides the time of the first game, a second match would be set to 30 min later):
6.3.1. Winter Timetable
6.3.2 Summer Timetable
6.3.3. Spain, Portugal and Italy have different times to play due to "siesta".
6.3.4. Teams from Russia and Turkey need to play on GMT+3.
6.3.5. International Mix Teams need to play on GMT+1.
6.4. Matches can be postponed until the next wednesday (1 week per matchday). Matches can't be moved to an earlier date.
6.5. The day and time can ONLY be changed only if BOTH managers agree to the change and post it in the channel "match-agreements" on the official discord and confirm it using the ProLeague challenging function.
6.6. If an agreement cannot be reached the match MUST be played on the default time.
6.7. If a team FAILS to attend a default fixture or an agreement on an alternative date, within 15 minutes after the match time, the offending team receives a default 0-2 loss.
6.8. Due to the idea of fair play, not every second should be taken into account, especially if there have already been invitations or the game has been abandoned within the first 10 minutes of the match according to the rules (waiting for the 15 minutes to expire exactly, e.g. with an atomic clock, is not the aim of Rule §6.6.).
7.1. Team manager is obligated to enter into ProLeague Page results of the game including full match squad of his team, scorers and assists, red cards if available, pick Man of the Match from his team (not necessarily MOTM out of both teams) and send in screenshots (according to the tutorial in §7.5).
7.2. This process must be done by both teams and each must verify the results entered by the opponents.
7.3. The maximum allowed time to confirm a result is 48 hours, then it will be considered automatically validated.
7.4. The ingame player's nickname / ALIAS / KnownAs (the one you set on the player's profile) must match the ORIGIN ID, so that screenshots could be a proof that the player was playing in a match. If it's not possible to put it in 100%, put a distinctive shorter version of it in the ALIAS / Know As. (Example: Origin ID EQ-JonnyEsbeck could lead to ALIAS JonnyEsbeck)
7.5. Match reports consist of result, goals scored, goal scorers, assists, yellow and red cards, MVP, a short game report AND screenshots. The screenshots need to consist of the following four (4) screenshots:
7.5.1. “match info (overview)”,
7.5.2. “player performance”,
7.5.3. “the “player-ID list”, and
7.5.4. “line up - ingame captain screenshot”
7.5.5. How to enter match results tutorial:
7.5.6. It will be helpful to create the “Player-ID List” and the “line up - ingame captain screenshot” during the break. Make sure that every player that plays the match is visible on the screen.
8.1. Any player that receives a red card will be able to play again after serving one (1) match ban. The suspensions always count for the first match in the upcoming matchweek. For example: If you receive a red card in the first game of the evening, you may still play in the second game against the opponent, but you are suspended in the first game of the following week.
8.2. NO yellow card accumulation is applied in the tournament.
8.3. If a player gets a red card in the last match of group stage, he is suspended in the first KO-Stage match.
9.1. It is allowed to leave the match early in case of any problems within the first 10 minutes of game time in order to solve issues (player drop-outs or connection problems).
9.1.1. If a team leaves a match after the 10th minute it receives a default loss 0-3 or current score (it depends on what is better for the winning team).
9.1.2. If a goal is scored before the 10th minute - it WILL be counted; even if it has been scored whilst one of the teams was leaving the match.
9.1.3. If the team who scored the goal leaves the match. The goal wouldn't count.
9.2. You will have 3 attempts to start the match. (To be clear, 3 complete invitations sent and received and you really enter the match!). If there is no agreement after two attempts, the 3rd attempt must be tried and it has to be played regardless of squad or lag problems.
9.3. After 2 attempts and in agreement with both teams, it may be possible to propose that the game be moved to another day. This will be ONLY possible if both sides accept the solution and that BOTH managers report this on the Discord channel and reschedule using the ProLeague challenge system.
9.4. We suggest that the teams kick the ball out of the field prior to leaving the match if possible.
10.1. If a team leaves the competition before playing every opponent, every game will be judged against that team (0-2).
10.2. In case a team disbands during the group stage after playing every opponent at least once, only the second half of the group stage will be defaulted against the team. The results from the first half of the group stage will remain.
10.3. If a team leaves the competition during the break between group and knockout stage, results of the group stay but the next team in the group gets the reward.
10.4. If a team leaves the competition in the knockout stage (including the in-between-round of europa league), the opponent team will proceed in the bracket.
10.5. If a team leaves during the competition this could lead to a ban for the team.
11.1. Goalkeeper blocking is NOT ALLOWED, even if the game engine allows it. Any form of charging, moving and bugging the opposite goalkeeper on any type of free kick, goalkeeper kick or corner is prohibited.
11.2. You MUST provide a recorded video as proof that there was an obvious charge on the goalkeeper.
11.3. Any goals scored resulting of the keeper being blocked will be cancelled.
11.3.1. Depending on the severity of the case, a team may get the default loss 0-2 for blocking the keeper.
11.4. The rule 11.3 also applies for the manipulation of the wall at free kicks and any other bug using.
12.1. The captains of the various teams will have to protect themselves, and as a result protect the entire community, by checking the values of their players in tournament matches, in order to prevent players from using cheats, exploits etc.
12.2. The IPCC prohibits any modification except for:
12.2.1. Graphic patch of the ProLeague: The official graphic patch of the ProLeague may be used. This includes graphic changes to the game and does not influence FIFA's playing behaviour.
12.2.2. Graphic patch of the Italian League: The official graphic patch of the Italian League may be used. This includes graphic changes to the game and does not influence FIFA's playing behavior.
12.3. Any measure(s) used to glitch, hack or boost your Virtual Pro in CL/EL games is strictly forbidden and will result in your team receiving a 2-0 default loss. VP99 is considered a specific cheating issue: a player found using VP99 will be banned for the entire FIFA and the team will receive 0-2 default losses in all games he took part in. Depending on the specific case and the seriousness of the case, cheating in FIFA could lead to other suspensions like excluding teams or banning players. If a team got to the knockout stage and a user with a cheat was found after that, results of the knockout stage draw will not be overwritten, but the team will be disqualified from the tournament. Any points for the club and community ranking that this club achieved will be annulated.
12.4. To prevent cheating, the ingame captain is required to use the ProLeague Anti Cheat Tool (PLACT) in every CL/EL match.
12.4.1. PLACT: The ProLeague Anti Cheat Tool is a program designed to ensure manipulation-free play.
12.4.2. The ProLeague Anti Cheat Tool is started and the user logs in with his ProLeague credentials. The program may be minimized but not closed. Afterwards FIFA can be started.
12.4.3. A team manager (someone with team editing rights on the proleague website) presses “Start match” prior to sending or receiving the match invite. After the game is played, a team manager presses “End match”. After that, the PLACT can be closed or used for another match. Should a game crash or any other reason for a reset happen prior to starting the match, a team manager can press “Reset match” while it is started in ordner to be able to start it again.
12.4.4. Any anomalies are intensively examined and dealt with appropriately before publication.
12.4.5. PLACT detects the programs running during league matches and reports them to the ProLeague servers.
12.4.6. Any programs with which modifications in FIFA or other PC games can be made are not allowed. This only applies to the period of time in which tournament matches take place with the above mentioned use of the PLACT.
12.4.7. Team violations: There are two types of team violations for which team management is responsible:
- failure to start and stop.
- playing a competitive match with PLACT as a requirement without using PLACT as in-game captain.
12.4.8. Player violations: There are four types of player violations for which each player is responsible individually:
- the Origin ID in the profile on the website does not match the real Origin ID of the player (Be aware of upper- and lowercase letters).
- the captain quits FIFA before stopping the game in PLACT by "End match".
- technical connection or game interruptions (Timeout / Fifa closed).
- programs detected by PLACT.
12.4.9. The violations of §12.4.7 are taken as severe violations.
- §12.4.7 No.1: First time violations will lead to a suspension of the team captain. A second time violation will lead to a rematch. A third time violation will lead to a default loss 0-2.
- §12.4.7 No.2: First time violations will lead to a rematch. Second and more time violations will lead to a default loss 0-2.
12.4.10. The violations of §12.4.8 will be judged on a case by case basis and according to other rules in this document. First time violations will lead to a warning. After that, violations will lead to a punishment. A punishment in this case will be a suspension for at least one game regarding the player violations (§12.4.8).
Intentional violations, depending on the case, will lead to harder consequences (especially regarding §12.4.8 Nr.4.)
12.4.11. The infringements of §12.4.8 No. 3 can be waived if the team/player in question submits a visual record (stream, video) proving that the player has not intentionally quit FIFA or that he has been technically disconnected.
Violations caused by ProLeague technology may be excused by the administration.
12.4.12. Using the Origin Beta or EA Desktop can cause problems when reading the Origin ID. Therefore, the use of the Origin Beta and EA Desktop for competitive play is prohibited. Violations will be judged like §12.4.10.
12.4.13. If there are problems with the PLACT or the hardware ID, the admins can be reached via Teamspeak/Origin/Discord/PL-Chat until 18:00 GMT+2 on a tournament matchday. Login problems with PLACT after this deadline will not be dealt with until after the tournament match.
13.1. For issues outside of the rules and regulations regarding clarification and / or amendment to rules, squads, fixtures or any other related question or issue regarding the competition you can contact Admin for support. The admins need to be contacted via Discord.
13.2. If the topic of the request is concerning the outcome of the game, the request must be made NO LATER than 48 hours after the conclusion of the match with an protest created in the "#protest" Channel in the official Discord.
13.3. Rules can only change according to the §10 of the IPCC Constitution. Before each tournament there will be a voting period on the updated ruleset. The updated rule set includes ideas and proposals of the IPCC Admins, the IPCC Council or any other player if it was proposed in time.
14.1. Violations of the above rules will result in the following escalating penalty system. If a sanction is already included in the respective paragraph, the escalating penalty system applies additionally, unless the included sanction already describes the escalating penalty system.
14.2. Violations of the rules that can only be triggered by teams count as captain's violations. Captain in this case is the player who was named as captain at the squad registration or is listed as team captain on the ProLeague website. In case of ambiguity, the team concerned must name a person to be considered as the captain.
14.3. Punishments only escalate for the exact same violations. This means that a second or third violation must occur against the exact same paragraph to be considered a second or third violation. A violation against separate paragraphs e.g. §7.2 and §7.3 counts as one violation each.
14.4. First time violations will lead to a warning.
14.5. Second time violations will lead to a one match suspension.
14.6. Third time violations will lead to a longer running suspension according to the severity of the case.
14.7. Insulting, racism, fair play violations or harassment is strictly forbidden and will be judged specific to the case.
14.8. All warnings and suspension will be visible in the intended channels in the official discord.
14.9.The admins reserve the right to react to violations not explained or contained in this ruleset with appropriate consequences.
Update: 15.11.2022
Creat Screenshots!
To verify your pro and get the permission to play league matches at proleague, you have to upload different screenshots.
Edit your profile!
How to change my ID or password? Here you can see how to change your ID or password in your profile on the simplest way.
Join or create a team!
How to join or create a team on this platform? In this Tutorial you can see how to join a team, if you are clubless at the moment.
Use the transfer market!
You are looking for a club? Try to use the transfer market to finde a club. On the other side, clubs can search for players as well!
For captains, managers and the appointment coordinator.
Challenge opponent!
How to suggest a matchday time and how does the system of challenges work to conclude the matchday at proleague?
Enter result!
How to enter a result correctly and about what I have to take care while enter goals, assists, cards etc. at proleague?
Manage a request!
How to accept new players which sent a request to my club and how to get a permission to play league matches at proleague?
Use the PLACT!
How to use ProLeague Anti Cheat Tool and about what I have to take care about? How to start and stop and how to handle the program correctly?
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